Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Tuesday 4 january, Life normally in bandung

In bali world hotel, usually breakfast. I eat bread with chocholate and butter. Hot tea, sereal with milk, fruit, and omelete. Is done :D
Go to work, and afternoon eat "Soto Ayam" and "nasi kotak" like usually. After work, dinner with leg of lamb and beef soup. The broth is so yummy.. i like it
and go to shopping buy milk, banana and orange in supermarket

Tools to make complex website ASP

First we need :
- visual studio .net 2005 or higher 2010
- install ajax 2.0 or higher for update panel and ajax other
- install component support maybe like most popular is devexpress, infragistic, component one
- Javascript need is : jquery or make a class js with your customize person
- make autocomplete.asmx for better faster searching
Thats all.. You done, happy debugger
ASP.Net is complex but run slowly if bandwidth small. So don't to many image if not important..

Dinner in duck Mr. Slamet

In the morning i wake up and go to samsat. But before that afi going sick. We go to al islam bandung hospital. And then 2 o'clock we go to airport for afi's home. In night we dinner in duck Mr. Slamet. Its hot, very delicious :)

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Tab panel infragistic is error

I work project with I choose infragistic components. But i get a error with infragistic. That error is tab panel infragistic. Is not compatible if i install in iis and maybe 1-2 hours is getting error. Yes this is because infragistic component tab panel. The another page without that tab panel was so smooth very well. Not error.
Check in the forun infragistic. Yes the tab panel infragistic error!! Doesnt have solution so maybe i can change tab panel

Noon and night

This afternoon i go to lunch
Before lunch, i with my friends want to buy ticket to surabaya. Afi want go home to surabaya. So we go to sastra husain negara airport.
After we arrive in the airport we eat some food. "bubur kacang ijo" and "batagor". Some indonesia food most popular.
After that we go to mall i forgot that name. We eat mcd panas special and sundae blueberry. Ohh very full i can't eat again.
We going back in the hotel. And i watch movie on my notebook. This movie is "salt". This movie is the best i ever seen. Awesome, the action, story, and many conspiracy was so complex.
Dinner we going to front of hotel. Yes indeed, pecel lele. And then i see on hbo, when the wild things are. Story about children with big monster

Swimming in the morning

This morning damn i wake up 9 o'clock. So i just wash my face, go to breakfast in the hotel before is closed.
After breakfast, i change with short pants go to swimming pool. wow the water so extreme cool. Freeze my body at all. I just swimming maybe around 15 minutes. After that, go to my room and go to bath with hot summer water. Is better and calm relaxing.
At noon just in hotel, not going anywhere

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

First day 2011

In 1 january 2011. I will gonna trip in tangkuban perahu and kawah putih. But it was totally fail because i get jammed too much. Cant walk. Shit!! Totally freak with this jammed
So we going home 6 o'clock with nothing. But have launch is better without nothing.
In dinner, fail too
We go to ijonk. I want chicken fries butter. But waiting.. Is nothing was in my front.
So we go home. Now i want go to outside front of hotel. Pecel lele is better.. :)

Happy new year 2011

Yes this day is 31 dec 2010. This night, i go to paris van java bandung. Oh my god, is this bandung? Many girls are sexy. Before that, is curious with road in bandung. Is crowded man!!! Too many cars in bandung. I with my friends, we just walk very slowly.
Next in pvj(paris van java) is the modern mall i ever seen. Just like walk in ciwalk, but left and right is store. Like outdoor theme. In the outside yes indeed many cafe and have customer alot. I planning go to blitzmegaplex. Oww, its a cozy place i've ever seen. We choose gulliverts travel movie. The star is jack black. Very funny movie. I love it. And snack is pop corn, mochi2, some drink
After movies, we go to pizza hut. Oh i miss this pizza. You know what, my friends can't eat so much pizza. They're give up. I eat so much and because pizza is my favorite food.
Fullfil, we choose go to ciwalk. But no one want to go shopping. So we go home in hotel bali world.
11 o'clock, this is it. I spend in room. 12 o'clock. And go outside, the staff hotel fireworks little. I see them just in my room. Nice but not so big. Ok times up. I sleeping right now
Happy new year everyone