
English Language :
Title: Super Size Me
Type: Documentary
Director: Morgan Spurlock
Writer: Morgan Spurlock
Running time: 100 minutes
Year: 2003
Brief Description
This documentary tells of the most extreme experiments performed by Morgan Spurlock to demonstrate the impact of junk food on human health. Experiments were done during 30 days just by eating the menu at McDonald's. Within a week, already shows the impact of bad percobaanya, addiction and weight gain and disturbance in the function of other organs. At the end of this movie, you can see the impact of junk food consumed within a certain period.
You like to eat at McDonald's (McD)? Or at Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) or other fast food counter? If yes, then you should watch this documentary and think again whether you're going to eat junk food such as rutin.Memberikan real evidence about the dangers of junk food, compared with a result that is sometimes confusing. It was horrible, we bought a fairly expensive price just to poison our own bodies!
McDonald's = Junk Food = Disease!
macdonald_cartoon.jpgMasalah obesity (overweight) in the United States (U.S.), which continued to increase rapidly into the background of this movie. A person who is obese will be very susceptible to various diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart failure and more. Obesity is a killer second only to cigarettes in the U.S.. One of the main factors of the problem of obesity is unhealthy eating patterns. Many U.S. citizens who consume fast food, whether for breakfast, lunch, even dinner. Of course, the U.S. is "heaven" junk-food in the world, you'll easily find a fast food counter under several brand names.
Morgan Spurlock started this film with a plan to experiment-which, according to writer-extreme to consume junk food during 30 full days. He will consume junk food from breakfast to dinner. Added to limit the number of steps which of course contribute to burning calories in the body. Before beginning this experiment, he checks his health to three different specialists and a nutritionist and health. Inspection results will be used as a comparison during the experiment.
Of the many producers of junk food, Morgan chose McD menu provided as an experiment. McD was chosen for several reasons: first, McD is the largest producer of junk food in the U.S.. They control 34% of junk food in the U.S. market. You will easily find it in the business center, airports, public roads and even public hospitals. Second, can we meet McD Products easily almost worldwide. As an illustration, McD serves 46 million people per day. You can imagine, that means about one-quarter the population of Indonesia?
Morgan then began the experiment by consuming McD menu in different stores with different menus. He traveled to several states to visit McD outlets. Within five days, his weight increased 5%, from 185 lbs (84 kg) to 195 lbs (88.5 kg). On day 7, Morgan has felt the changes in the body. He sensed something was not right on the chest. Day-8, Morgan felt uncomfortable when not eating junk food. That is, he had entered the stage of addiction.
Day-to-12, Morgan then reconsider his weight. You can guess, his weight increased to 203 lbs. Day-to-17, Morgan's boyfriend revealed that there was a change in the behavior of Morgan. According to him, Morgan became easily tired, moody and lose their passion in their relationship. We conducted a medical examination, it became clear that a significant increase from the content of his blood. Cholesterol and sugar in their blood showed an increase as well as the visible symptoms of heart trouble. Seeing this condition, the doctor who checked Morgan advised to immediately stop this experiment. However morga insisted menyelsaikan experiments. Changes are slowly but surely.
On the last day, Morgan's weight becomes 210 lbs (95 kg). In addition, from the results of tests carried out by a doctor that there are some records with her stunning. Cholesterol and blood sugar Morgan increased drastically. His blood pressure was far above normal. He threatened two times more susceptible to disease and heart failure as well as behavioral changes. The most visible is, the pile of belly fat hiding in obvious alias becomes more distended. All three doctors who could not believe his side had what they find from this experiment. Finally, they suggest: do not ever eat junk food!
To restore her health condition, Morgan had to fight longer. He must enter into a detoxification through organic food during the eight weeks to get the heart and the heart can return to normal. Meanwhile, for his weight, Morgan takes more than a year to return to normal.
This film won awards at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival and the Edinburgh Film Festival in 2004 for best director category.
Since launching simultaneously in 41 leading U.S. cinema, May 7, 2004, until early September 2004, this film managed to gross profit of U.S. $ 11,450,330! Seabreg also successfully achieve the award. This is a row of awards generated by Super Size Me 'Box Office Mojo 2004 ":
- Winner Best Director, Sundance Film Festival 2004
- New Director's Award Winner, Edinburgh Int'l Film Festival 2004
- MTV News Docs Prize Winner, Full Frame Film Festival 2004
- Special Screening, SXSW Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection San Francisco Int'l Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection WV Int'l Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection 2004 U.S. Comedy Arts Festival
- Official Selection Hot Docs 2004
- Opening Night Film, Artivist Film Festival 2004
- Outstandingh Cultural Documentary 2004 Telluride Mountain Film
- Closing Night Film Festival 2004 D.C
- Official Selection Philadelphia Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection of New Zealand Wellington Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection Dundein Int'l Film Festival New Zealand 2004
- Official Selection Edinburgh Int'l Film Festival 2004
- Opening Night Film Brasilia Int'l Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection San Sebastian Int'l Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection Summer Int'l Film Festival, Newport, RI 2004
- Official Selection Int'l Film Festival Haugesund, Norway 2004
- Opening Night Film Indi Bandariskir Biodagar Reykjavik, Iceland 2004
- Official Selection Espoo Cine Int'l Film Festival Helsinki, Finlandi 2004
Indonesia Language :
Judul: Super Size Me
Jenis: Dokumenter
Sutradara: Morgan Spurlock
Penulis: Morgan Spurlock
Durasi: 100 menit
Tahun: 2003
Deskripsi Singkat
Film dokumenter ini mengisahkan percobaan sangat ekstrem yang dilakukan oleh Morgan Spurlock untuk menunjukkan dampak junk food terhadap kesehatan manusia. Percobaan itu dilakukannya selama 30 hari hanya dengan mengkonsumsi menu yang tersedia di McDonald’s. Dalam waktu satu minggu, percobaanya sudah menunjukkan dampak buruknya, ketagihan dan bertambahnya berat badan serta terganggunya fungsi organ tubuh lainnya. Pada akhir film ini, anda dapat melihat dampak mengkonsumsi junk food dalam periode tertentu.
Anda senang makan di McDonald’s (McD)? Atau di Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) atau counter fast food lainnya? Jika iya, maka anda harus menyaksikan film dokumenter ini dan berpikir kembali apakah anda akan memakan junk food tersebut secara rutin.Memberikan satu bukti nyata tentang bahaya junk food dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian yang terkadang membingungkan. Sungguh mengerikan, kita membeli dengan harga yang cukup mahal hanya untuk meracuni tubuh kita sendiri!
McDonald’s = Junk Food = Penyakit!
macdonald_cartoon.jpgMasalah obesitas (kegemukan) di Amerika Serikat (AS) yang terus meningkat dengan pesat menjadi latar belakang film ini. Seseorang yang mengalami obesitas akan sangat rentan terhadap berbagai macam penyakit seperti diabetes, hipertensi, gagal jantung dan banyak lagi. Obesitas menjadi pembunuh kedua setelah rokok di AS. Salah satu faktor utama dari masalah obesitas ini adalah pola makan yang tidak sehat. Banyak warga AS yang mengkonsumsi fast food, baik untuk sarapan, makan siang, bahkan makan malam. Tentu saja, AS adalah “surga” junk-food di dunia, anda akan dengan mudah menemukan counter fast food dengan berbagai merek.
Morgan Spurlock memulai film ini dengan rencana melakukan percobaan-yang menurut penulis-ektrem dengan mengkonsumsi junk food selama 30 hari penuh. Dia akan mengkonsumsi junk food mulai dari sarapan pagi hingga makan malam. Ditambah lagi dengan membatasi jumlah langkah yang tentu saja berkontribusi untuk membakar kalori di dalam tubuh. Sebelum memulai percobaan ini, dia memeriksa kesehatannya ke tiga dokter spesialis yang beda dan satu ahli nutrisi dan kesehatan. Hasil pemeriksaan tersebut akan digunakan sebagai perbandingan selama percobaan tersebut.
Dari sekian banyak produsen junk food, Morgan memilih menu yang disediakan McD sebagai percobaan. McD dipilih dengan beberapa alasan; pertama, McD adalah produsen terbesar junk food di AS. Mereka menguasai 34% dari pasar junk food di AS. Anda akan dengan mudah menemukannya di pusat bisnis, bandara, jalan umum bahkan rumah sakit umum. Kedua, Produk McD dapat kita temui dengan mudah hampir di seluruh dunia. Sebagai gambaran, Mcd melayani 46 juta orang per hari. Anda bisa bayangkan, itu berarti sekitar ¼ jumlah penduduk Indonesia?
Morgan kemudian memulai percobaannya dengan mengkonsumsi menu McD di berbagai gerai dengan menu yang berbeda. Dia berkeliling ke beberapa Negara bagian untuk mengunjungi gerai McD. Dalam waktu 5 hari, berat badannya bertambah 5 %, dari 185 lbs (84 kg) menjadi 195 lbs (88,5 kg). Pada hari ke-7, Morgan sudah merasakan perubahan di badannya. Dia merasakan ada sesuatu yang tidak beres pada bagian dadanya. Hari ke-8, Morgan merasa tidak nyaman jika tidak memakan junk food. Artinya, dia sudah masuk pada tahap ketagihan.
Hari ke-12, Morgan kemudian menimbang kembali berat badannya. Anda bisa tebak, berat badannya bertambah menjadi 203 lbs. Hari ke-17, pacar Morgan mengungkapkan bahwa terjadi perubahan pada perilaku Morgan. Menurutnya, Morgan menjadi gampang lelah, moody dan kehilangan gairah dalam hubungan mereka. Saat dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan, terlihat jelas kenaikan yang signifikan dari kandungan darahnya. Kadar kolesterol dan gula dalam darahnya menunjukkan kenaikan serta terlihat gejala gangguan pada hatinya. Melihat kondisi ini, dokter yang memeriksa Morgan menyarankan agar segera menghentikan percobaan ini. Namun morga bersikeras untuk menyelsaikan percobaannya. Perubahan yang pelan tapi pasti.
Pada hari terakhir, berat badan Morgan menjadi 210 lbs (95 kg). Selain itu dari hasil pemeriksaan yang dilakukan oleh dokter yang mendampinginya terdapat beberapa catatan yang mencengangkan. Kadar kolesterol dan gula dalam darah Morgan bertambah dengan drastis. Tekanan darahnya jauh berada di atas normal. Dia terancam 2 kali lebih rentan terhadap penyakit dan gagal jantung serta perubahan perilaku. Yang paling terlihat adalah, tumpukan lemak yang bersembunyi di perut terlihat jelas alias menjadi lebih buncit. Ketiga dokter yang mendampinginya pun tidak dapat mempercayai apa yang mereka temukan dari percobaan ini. Akhir kata, mereka menyarankan: jangan pernah makan junk food!
Untuk mengembalikan kondisi kesehatannya, Morgan harus berjuang lebih lama. Dia harus melakuan detoksifikasi melalui makanan organik selama 8 minggu agar jantung dan hatinya bisa kembali normal. Sementara untuk berat badannya, Morgan membutuhkan waktu lebih dari satu tahun untuk kembali normal.
Film ini meraih penghargaan di Festival Film Sundance 2004 dan Festival Film Edinburgh 2004 untuk kategori sutradara terbaik.
Sejak diluncurkan serentak di 41 gedung bioskop ternama AS, 7 Mei 2004, hingga awal September 2004, film ini berhasil meraup laba kotor sebesar US$11.450.330! Seabreg penghargaan pun berhasil diraihnya. Inilah deretan penghargaan yang dihasilkan Super Size Me menurut ‘Box Office Mojo 2004”:
- Winner Best Director Sundance Film Festival 2004
- Winner New Director’s Award, Edinburgh Int’l Film Festival 2004
- Winner MTV News Docs Prize, Full Frame Film Festival 2004
- Special Screening, SXSW Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection San Fransisco Int’l Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection W V Int’l Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection US Comedy Arts Festival 2004
- Official Selection Hot Docs 2004
- Opening Night Film, Artivist Film Festival 2004
- Outstandingh Cultural Documentary Mountain Film Telluride 2004
- Closing Night Film D.C Festival 2004
- Official Selection Philadelphia Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection New Zealand Wellington Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection Dundein Int’l Film Festival New Zealand 2004
- Official Selection Edinburgh Int’l Film Festival 2004
- Opening Night Film Brasilia Int’l Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection San Sebastian Int’l Film Festival 2004
- Official Selection Summer Int’l Film Festival, Newport, RI 2004
- Official Selection Haugesund Int’l Film Festival, Norway 2004
- Opening Night Film Bandariskir Indi Biodagar Reykjavik, Iceland 2004
- Official Selection Espoo Cine Int’l Film Festival Helsinki, Finlandi 2004
Link Download Movie :
The argument that links fast food to obesity remain unanswered. Though one reason why people crave to eat more is because of the chemical flavoring (preservatives) that contains in the food. Rapid weight loss cannot be achieve by just avoiding fast food meals but preparing it fresh is better rather than taking an order in a resto.
BalasHapus@okuma : the answer is if you eat mcd or junk food too many and everyday eat that.. you will be like that man.. psychology will react too.
BalasHapusSo eat fresh and natural. don't junk food